Friday, October 11, 2013

Question #5 - Reality

Truman’s life was made into “Reality TV,” and viewers loved using his “real life” as entertainment, not really considering that Truman was a real person. Point out examples from the film and then discuss “how” or “if” this goes on in our world today (treating people as entertainment, not as people). There should be some real life examples in your discussion, and please consider what the LORD might think of this and why.

Did Truman really have a "real life?" Do you think it's possible for any movie stars to really have a "real life?" Why? Why not?


  1. I don’t think that Truman had a real life. I think that he lived what he thought was a real life, full of smiling faces and a routine that never changes day after day. He was he forced to marry a woman that he didn’t even love! I think that it is in reality hard for a movie star to have a real life. If I were to see a movie star in real life I would reference them to their character that they played in a movie. It would be hard for me to think of them in any other way. They also may get chased by crazed fans or paparazzi. This means that they have lost some privacy and the thought of being a “regular person.” I think that being in a movie can really change your life, either for better or for worse.

    1. I agree with Mi. Horn. Truman lived in a world of lies, but he also lived a real life even though it was fake. He still did everything we do every day even though it was fake. He wasn't free to do what ever he wanted all the time, but he felt like he was a normal person. He did have real feelings, like when he met Sylvia. He didn't want to marry the person he didn't love he wanted to marry Sylvia who he did love. Even though it was staged and the producers wanted the show to be more popular show he really liked her and wanted to be with her.

    2. To: Mi. Horn,
      I totally agree with you! Being in a movie can change your life, and Truman didn't live a real life. I mean look at all the stars that can't get privacy now: Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and many more! Truman was kind of a celebrity, he just didn't know it. He lived his life thinking it was completely normal. He was completely oblivious to the fact that someone was watching his every move. He lived with everything he did and knew in the open. To me that is completely ridiculous! Anyway, I love how you explained your thoughts in this post, very persuasive.

  2. Truman didn't have a real life. In a real life we have freedom, and true feelings for someone else, and our life isn't staged. People were told what to say, like Truman's friend, and Truman's wife was set up to marry him. People around are set on que to do certain things, this is not living; this is like acting your whole life. A true person would have a real sun and real weather. I believe that a movie star has alot of trouble trying to make a real life. A lot of times there will be articles in magazines about people breaking up, we don't know if those are true, but we assume they are. These articles can ruin relationships. Also there whole life is practically a TV show, considering the fact that any time they have a kid, or something serious happens, there is someone talking about it on TV or writing about it in a magazine. It's difficult to do anything by yourself, and a lot of times people can be very fake because they want to look good to someone else. Basically there is no way you can have a real/normal life when your a movie star.

  3. I agree with Miranda about Truman's life being staged and not being real, but I think he had a life. He didn't know that people where acting the whole time. He was free also. He may not have been able to go anywhere he wanted whenever he wanted but he was free to love who he wanted. The creators of the tv show didn't give him feelings about some girl, they didn't program him in a sense. You can see that when he first meets Lauren or Sylvia. He loved her but she was taken away from him. so he had to learn how to love another. That's real life.

  4. I agree with both Mallory and Miranda. Truman's life was a total lie. Money and fame was made off of a REAL human living in a fake world, and not the human not knowing about it. Humans have the tendency to make entertainment out of bad situations. For example, people pay money to see boxers throw punches at one another. In boxing, the two men, made by God, fight and harm each other. In the eyes of a celebrity, they are also living in a T.V. show. Celebrities cannot hide from the camera's it follows every step they take, like in the Truman Show. In the fake world, there were 5000 cameras watching Truman. But, in present day there are millions of cameras on the celebrities. Human nature makes us create entertainment out of everything, whether it's making someone's life a joke, fighting another man, or making a celebrity's life a movie.

    1. I disagree with Thomas. Truman had a life, but it was staged. However, it wasn't a normal life. Truman's life was determined based on the desire of a producer. The life was controlled by a button. The people in his life were forced to lie to him. On top of the other facts, he lived inside a gigantic dome, that was a television set. His whole life was watched through a camera lens by millions. In my opinion, that does not sound like a real life.

    2. Regardless of what you or anyone thinks it was HIS life, and I don't think we can judge. He may not be able to go wherever he wants but he has a life to a certain point. ex. Loving Sylivia instead of going through the motions and ( Loving) his legal wife.

    3. Thomas, i disagree with you when you say it was HIS life. The whole world was controlled around him and he had never had a real life conversation with a real person. His life was based on entertaining others, not him actually living for hiself or even God.

    4. I agree with Thomas.I don't like the film makers idea to film someones life, because Truman didn't even know he was on tv. I think Truman had a real life I know he was controlled but I don't think that it changes things because he did things like a normal person. He eat with his wife, and he goes to bed, and he goes to work, he has the emotions of a real person, and the things he said were real he wasn't told to say them.

    5. Chloe, I disagree with you. Even though he did do all the daily routine things you said, he never really had any social interaction with a real person. His life was based on going him going through the motions not doing anything different ever. His "life" was a joke, and he never knew it, and because of that he never lived a real life.

    6. I also disagree with you Chloe and Thomas because even though he ate, slept, breathed he was "controlled" in the sense that he could not do anything he wanted. For example be with that girl that went to Fiji but couldn't because it was not part of Christof's plan. And what I think we are getting at is that he couldn't make the "big" choices in his life. Those were made for him.

  5. I get what Thomas is trying to say, but I don't think Truman really lived a real life. He had real feelings and thoughts, but the producers of the Truman Show pretty much overruled his opinions. When Truman started to love Sylvia instead of the girl the producers wanted Truman to love, they simply got rid of her. Truman knew what he wanted and what he thought was best for himself, but he never had the freedom to actually make those decisions. They were already made by the people running the show whether he knew it or not. Also, I think that Reality TV stars and celebrities do have the opportunity to live a normal life. Unlike Truman, it's their choice to be on TV. Even reality stars still have the right to choose what they want on television, and don't need to be on a show if they don't want to. Truman never had that same choice.

    1. I agree what you said in the first half, but not everything in the second. The producers did control who he loved, but he always has the chance to make decisions based on what he thinks is right and wrong. However, I do agree that it is wrong to be on TV when you can't choose to be.

    2. I agree what you said in the first half, but not everything in the second. The producers did control who he loved, but he always has the chance to make decisions based on what he thinks is right and wrong. However, I do agree that it is wrong to be on TV when you can't choose to be.

    3. I completely agree with H Schmer on the first part, but not the second part of what she said. Truman never really made true decisions, they said in the movie that when he was a kid Truman had wanted to be an adventurer. Christof said that the teachers would always say bad things about it, or something to make Truman not do it. They even ended up "killing Truman's dad" so that he wouldn't want to be in the water, or escape. There was nothing, really, that he got to do for himself. Even when he wanted to be with Sylvia, she was taken away. His friends were told to say things to change his mind, and everyone kept lying to him. On the other hand though, I don't actually think that celebrities can live a normal life considering everything they do is for show. Then, even though they have the choice to be on a show or sing a song, they'll have to do things for others instead of themselves. Think about it, everyone is watching you all the time and every little thing you do could backfire. So naturally you would help someone in need instead of sitting around for a day. You lead a completely not "real" life.

  6. I think that Truman had a real life. While the producers and directors control his surroundings, Truman controlled his actions and his decisions. He had a REAL life. I also think that celebrities have real lives too, even if they live a different lifestyle and have more money and fame than us.
    In the same way that Truman is followed, celebrities are followed. The media is there to follow them and tell us all the little things that they did wrong. This is none of our business. In modern reality TV, they know they are going to be filmed. When they are acting, they know they are acting. The Truman Show (the show; the movie was good) was cruel and fake.

    1. To: K. Weinberg
      What do you mean by real? Does that mean that he was breathing and able to make some decisions? I believe that if living is making decisions, that Truman didn't really live. He made the decisions within the bubble he was confined to since birth. He wasn't really free to make any decision he wanted. For example, he wasn’t able to pick his own bride or to get out of the dome /bubble he was imprisoned in. So I really would like to know what your definition of “real” is because I don’t quite understand it from your details in this post.

  7. I think that Truman had a real life. While the producers and directors control his surroundings, Truman controlled his actions and his decisions. He had a REAL life. I also think that celebrities have real lives too, even if they live a different lifestyle and have more money and fame than us.
    In the same way that Truman is followed, celebrities are followed. The media is there to follow them and tell us all the little things that they did wrong. This is none of our business. In modern reality TV, they know they are going to be filmed. When they are acting, they know they are acting. The Truman Show (the show; the movie was good) was cruel and fake.

    1. Kurt, I agree with you. Not a lot of people seem to think he had a real life, but he really did in a twisted way.

  8. I agree with T. Lauer when he said that Truman had a real life, but only to a certain point. I think that Truman thought that he had a real life, but that doesn’t mean that it was actually real. For example, after the situations that Truman was in got a little odd he was suspicious to what was going on. He went to go on an elevator and one of the workers tried to stop him, but they didn’t keep him from noticing that it was a fake elevator. Before this Truman thought that he was living a real life, but afterwards he wasn’t so sure. The real part of his life was choosing what to believe in, in the movie he chooses to hold on to the idea of finding Silvia instead of staying with his “wife”. I disagree with H. Schmer when she says that celebrities have a choice on whether they have a real life or not. They can choose if they want to be on TV or not, but I do not think that they always have the choice if they want to be followed or be talked about on TV outside of their acting. But Truman never had a choice on whether he was on TV or not.

  9. I partially agree with Mi Horn. Truman never really had a "real life." Though he lived his life as if it were real because he didn't know it was fake. So to the outside world he was living a fake life, but to Truman it was his real life. So in a way he was living a real life it was just being controlled without him knowing. Movie stars are totally different than Truman. When movie stars take contracts they pretty much agree to do what they are told. So they live "fake" lives to protect their image. They do have a choice though whether or not because they could choose to be themselves and not be sucked into the world of gossip and poster personalities.

  10. We some times just ignore people and act like they aren't there because we don't take them seriously . We sometimes our self just act like people are just for us to laugh at them. I can't really say that I think he had a real life, but I also can't say that her didn't have a real life. Because he grow up in a safe world and had a mom even though she was fake, and had a wife even though she was fake too, so he had real life thing, but they just weren't real. I don't think that actors can have a real life because even when they are not acting they are still famous so its hard to have a real life.

  11. Is most of our entertainment on TV reality based? Is this dangerous when we are finding entertainment in things like:
    Celeb rehab
    Real Housewives

    Should we stay away from reality TV? Is The Truman Show saying anything about what reality TV might be doing to us? What? Is the Bible any help in this area of life?

    1. In my opinion, reality T.V. can be okay, some are bad and some are good. For example, watching "Keeping up with the Kardashians" is bad because the whole family glorifies themselves over everyone else. However, "Hoarders" might be good because it shows someones journey from someone living in the past, to someone having a new start. The "hoarders example sounds familiar because when Jesus saved us he created a fresh start for man. Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." The truman show is saying that we can obsess over reality T.V. and watch it too often. If I watch a series of a show and skip church to watch it, the show becomes an idol. In the truman show, the people found entertainment in someone being lied to and humiliated. All in all, some reality T.V. can be okay, but some we do not need to be watching.

    2. Has anyone ever seen Toddlers and Tiaras? That is the first show that popped into my mind when I realized the plot of The Truman Show. In some ways these little girls being put in beauty pageants resemble Truman. Truman is raised thinking this is his life and he is like everyone else. The toddlers will never have a normal life. The viewers, just like Truman’s “fans”, enjoy their misfortunes. I feel that the toddlers have been "brainwashed" by their parents since the day they could talk. Truman was also brainwashed by his parents. I am heavy hearted for children who have been famous from the time they were little. They don't always turn out bad, but they will never know what it is like to be a regular kid with a regular childhood. In some cases, like Miley Cyrus, celebrities can't handle being famous and they go crazy. If I were Truman, I don't think I would ever feel like I knew the real me.

    3. I think Nikki said everything I was thinking. The little toddlers are being raised in something they think is real life, and because of the environment they are being raised in they think everybody is like this, and when it comes to reality and real life they will never be normal. So when every they grow up they won't act like a normal person. I also agree about Miley Cyrus, or other Disney stars that grew up in the spotlight when they were little and thought everybody was like that, but when they come to reality and real life they are different and not normal.

    4. I think reality TV is fine in moderation. It shouldn't be something you are constantly watching. I believe this because some of it is relateable to people in our culture, now maybe not "The Real Housewives of Miami" or "The Real Housewives of Orange County" because I don't think anyone can relate to the characters on that show. Those characters are one of a kind. However I think reality TV can ruin the actors/characters lives because they are forced to do some of the dialogue by the producers, but it is their choice to be on the show and no ones stopping them from going on the show but themselves.

    5. I, like Dominic, think that as long as you aren't watching an extreme amount of reality TV that it's fine. Shows such as Hoarders, Intervention, etc. are much different than The Truman Show in my opinion because the actors in those shows know that they are in a TV show, get paid (a lot!) to do them, and aren't forced to be in the show like Truman is. On another hand, some of these shows, such as Housewives, are definitely not something we should be finding entertaining . God tells us not to watch these kinds of things in Psalm 101:3, "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless." I think in the example of the old ladies with the Truman pillow, the Truman Bar, etc. that the movie is trying to tell us what will happen if we get too obsessed over reality TV.

    6. I think reality tv can be okay depending on how you use it and how you watch it as a viewer. It's become increasingly popular, but not all for great reasons. Like Chases said I think shows like "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" aren't the best kinds of shows to watch. The show just gives us a chance to see how that family lives, but for most viewers it's just an excuse to make fun of the Kardashian family for their mistakes. However, one kind of "reality" movie that came to mind for me was Katy Perry's movie from a few years ago. Instead of focusing on all the crazy things she does like the Kardashians, it showed the challenges she was facing while going through her divorce and coping with all the negative attention she gets. It gave her fans a positive look into her life, which was both good for her and inspiring to her fans.

  12. I think reality t.v. is sometimes a o.k. thing to watch. Shows like say yes to the dress or anything on HGTV don't harm you by watching them. Shows like Real Housewives and Hoarding: Buried Alive can be harmful and upsetting. On Real Housewives, these women are famous and rich lying and back-stabbing. Whether it is real or fake when they cuss each other out, it is sick that we find entertainment in their broken disfunctional lives. It saddens me when I watched Hoarders. It saddens me that these people have a problem. What I liked about the show is that they were getting help and starting a new life. The sad thing is that some (most) people watch it because it is interesting and maybe even makes you feel better about yourself. I don't think we should stay away from all reality t.v., but we should be careful of what we do watch.

    1. Adding on to Nikki,

      Real Housewives is a show where woman are praised for their rudeness and betrayal of each other. Shows like this can be harmful because it gives people the idea that, to be famous and on t.v. I have to yell and curse at people. I have to betray all my friends, and I have to be in a way a "social monster." An example of a show that I can relate to would be Dance Moms. My family is personally close to Abby, so we know how it all works. Reality T.V. is fake, at least on dance moms. Dance Moms gives you the perspective that in order to be a good dancer, you must have an insane mother. Which is not true at all! The people on this show are being told what to do and its not like they rationally freak out all the time. Producers often think that in order to get viewers, there has to be drama and/or fighting. When that isn't true. I have differences with Nikki though when it comes to Say Yes To The Dress. We had a personal family of twins go up to Davids bridal for wedding dresses. When they entered they were asked to sign a contract to be on the show. In the contract it pretty much stated that they had to do what they asked. So even though on T.V. it looks like nothing is wrong there can always be something going on behind the cameras.

    2. I couldn't agree with Nikki more. Our society has made shows like Real Housewives a funny joke and a innocent show to watch. These women have no respect for each other. They make friendships from lies and cliques. There is no real friendship. This shows examples that lying is okay. Producers may also jump in and add more drama to the scene. In reality "reality" T.V. is a lie.

    3. To Sydney:
      I know what you mean, Sydney, about say yes to the dress. It is many ways staged. But, it isn't harmful to watch. I know it isn't all true, but they aren't being praised for their sin. I'm not saying it is a good show or true show, but it isn't harmful.

    4. I agree with everything Nikki said. We watch so many shows that when we watch it we want to keep watching it because we find it humorous they way the act or things they say to each other. Real Housewives is a great example, also Keeping up with the Kardashians, or any other shows like those 2 are what our society wants to watch because of the humor, or the lack of respect everyone has for each other.

    5. I totally agree with you, N.Breneman. I never thought about that. It is sad to think that people watch shows like that for entertainment. I also think that people idolize shows like that. People idolized the Truman Show too.

  13. To: Kurt Weinberg
    I agree with Kurt when he said that the show is cruel and fake, but not that Truman had a real life. Yes, he was living and breathing, but he never experienced real love from someone. His parents were faking. His wife was faking. It is sick and sad. Celebrities have it very differently. Their whole life isn't a setup. In many ways they chose their own lifestyle. They can hide when they want to. Their family and friends aren't setting them up for everyone else's entertainment. Celebrities have love and they aren't all fake. Truman has a fake life. Thats what I mean by Truman doesn't have a "real" life.

  14. I agree with H. Schmer. I think that in reality Truman did not have a real life like I said in my previous comment, but I don’t think that in reality movie/T.V. show actors and actresses get a large say in their role. The actors really do what the director tells them to do. This may take a turn for the worst too and could possibly change how we see the actor. Sometimes actors may become a horrible role model and all in all a victim of a T.V. show.

  15. I think Truman has and he hasn't had a real life. He lived a lie but yet he did still have all these normal things in his usual life. Movies stars are different. They still can have a normal life because they can go to the grocery store or play paintball or etc. but they cant go places without being followed. For example, One Direction can go to a super market but they might get followed or a fan might see them and want an autograph or something. One Direction still has a family, a house, and friends its just they get recognized easily.

  16. Some examples from the movie of people treating Truman as pure entertainment and not as a person are when you see the guy in the bathtub, the people watching at the "Truman Bar," the two elderly women watching the Truman Show, and the two guys in the booth at a parking garage. All these people are watching Truman and how he goes through his everyday life just for the sake of entertaining themselves. This is especially apparent when Truman finally escapes the dome, changing his life forever, and when the show ends the two men in the booth act like nothing has happened and begin searching for another thing to watch! I think that this goes on in our daily lives, although not nearly as much as in the movie, with our favorite actors. For example, I watch The Big Bang Theory, and when I think of Sheldon in the show as just Sheldon, and not until now have I actually thought of him as Bill Parsons (the guy that plays Sheldon), a real person with a real life! That being said, Bill Parsons knows that he's in a TV show and his entire life isn't The Big Bang Theory, so I don't feel that he is purely for entertainment. I don't think that the LORD is a fan of this because we are thinking of actors as who their character is and not as the person He made them to be. To me Truman did have a "real life" because although he might be under a dome in a controlled environment, he is still a real person in our world. I definitely think that it is possible for movie stars to have a real life for the same reason as Truman.

  17. 1. I do not believe that Truman had a real life. It was in every way fake and controlled by the director. It in someway reflects the way I look at reality T.V. The Truman Show is taken to an extreme, but the life of the actors in reality T.V. is also staged in many ways. Yes, the people in reality T.V. are choosing to live life that way, but it still is upsetting that they will never be able to love a normal life. I agree with Miranda and Mallory. It is unfair and extremely upsetting.

    1. How will they never be able to live a normal life? In reality tv the camera men follow the people around and get all the information from the person or people the tv show is about. It seems that if they did't want to be followed or staged by the producer of the tv show they would stop, resulting in the person to get along with there normal life again. For example all the time in ghost adventerrers the crew would ask to talk to people who used to work at prisons ext whatever, and they would turn them down. How is that upsetting and/or unfair?

    2. I disagree with N. Breneman, and am seeing what T. Lauer is coming from. Truman had a life, it was just created for a show. The way I look at reality T.V. is different from N. Breneman. I look at it like they are real people who have a real personality and aren't fake. Yes they do somethings that they think will make their show popular, but they are still real people. Truman is a real person it was just his life was set up for the producers. In reality T.V. the producers wont make they do what they don't want to do. The people in reality have their own voices.

    3. To: Nikki Breneman
      You said about Truman's life that it was in every way fake and controlled by the director. It is obvious that the director controlled Truman but just as God does not the director could not control Truman in every way. Of course they can create storms, physically pick him up and tazor him. But they still have a show to put on and as you could see Truman escaped them stopping the Truman Show. Clearly then did no control him so that he would leave. I agree that his life is fake but to say that he is being completely controlled is in my opinion to much

    4. I said that actors from reality t.v. have lives that are in many ways staged. Not always staged, but most of the time. They have a choice and so I am not saying their life isn't real, i'm saying it is influenced. Think about it. If people were always watching you or videoing you, you wouldn't act the same as if you were alone. Whether celebrities are acting like a brat to get more attention or a "sweet, innocent" girl for the love of their fans, their actions are influenced. Every decision I have ever made has been influenced from my past. Truman was raised in a fake world with fake scenarios. He doesn't have a real life, because he is the only real thing in his life. His life was controlled because he never experienced real love or friendship. It was ALL fake. His decisions and thoughts weren't fake, but they were in many ways influenced. Take the show dance moms for example. These moms yell at each other and cuss each other out. I happen to know that none of that hatred is real. It is all scripted. People put things in Truman's life to make him feel a certain way or act a certain way. The difference is that in dance mom's they know it is all fake. With Truman, he is being controlled by brainwashing and lying. I know you don't agree, but this is the way I feel.

    5. I can see where you are both coming from, JJ and Nikki. But, Truman is very easily persuaded. So I have to agree with JJ. He still made it across "the sea" and up the stairs out into the real world so he wasn't really completely controlled more like persuaded to do things.

  18. Addressing the question about whether or not celebrities can lead a real life, I think that they can, but it is very hard, considering the temptations, and also the expectations of others, driving them to be the ways they are in the movies. This makes them angry at the world, and even more reckless than they are in the movies. Those are the main reasons they can't, but I still believe they can.

  19. Answering the two questions that stated "Did Truman really have a "real life?" and "Do you think it's possible for any movie stars to really have a "real life?" No, I dont think Truman had a real life. Everything he lived for was a lie. His wife, his job, his best friend, his mother, all that was fake. His sole purpose in life was to entire the eager TV watchers that he had know idea about. Now addressing the second question. Yes, I do believe reality TV stars can live normal lives as long as they live for something other than getting good TV ratings. They need to find their real purpose of life. Which is to live for Jesus.

  20. In the film almost all of the viewers saw Truman as entertainment. I mainly think this because of their reactions while they were watching. An example is the older women that were holding a pillow with Truman’s face on it. They probably watched Truman to get more excitement in their own lives. Another example the man in the bath tub, he probably watched TV in his tub either because he had nothing else to do, he needed to be entertained in the bath tub, or he was lazy and there was nothing else good to watch. There are totally some people, mainly celebrities, in our world today that are treated like entertainment. A couple examples are: Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Shakira, and there are many more. I believe God would be outraged that His most beloved creations, the ones that He created to be like Him, are being treated so lightly! People are not entertainment, the things people make are entertainment! We have become so obsessed with entertaining ourselves that we forget that the people entertaining, are humans just like us with different talents. I believe God would also be grieved that His people are seeing each other as just entertainment. Psalm 139:13-14 says “13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” I believe God thinks we are too special to just be entertainment.

  21. In all honesty Truman did not have a real life; he just existed. He existed in a dome “where nothing could hurt him” nearly all of his life. If he lived, he would’ve had adventures, gotten into some tough situations, and worked hard to get on top of his struggles. Really Truman just went through the motions every day. Some movie stars have it this way too. They don’t live in a bubble, but every day is the same and they are never truly happy or even satisfied with life or really anything. Miley Cyrus is a good example, she was a star since she was a teenager playing Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. She played the character of herself. I don’t really believe she was ever really being herself. Now, she is a “Wrecking Ball” trying to get the image of little innocent Hannah Montana out of your brain. She is saying “this is the real me,” but I bet she doesn’t know who she is anymore. Miley Cyrus doesn’t truly have a real life from what I can see. I believe it’s possible for a movie star to have a real life, but I haven’t seen it happen yet. If a movie star stuck with Jesus the whole “journey to the top,” they could learn to balance movie star life with being “an ordinary girl or guy.”

    1. K. Hawkins, I totally agree with you when you used Miley Cyrus as an example. I can’t think of a better one. She started off in a fake life from day one, the day she auditioned for Hannah Montana and it kind of went down hill from there. Which I find very strange considering her father seemed to be the opposite. Billy Ray Cyrus was/is a very famous man, yet he didn’t let the idea of fame go to his head (as much as his daughter anyway). This, I believe, gave him the ability to lead a fairly normal life. That was an amazing comparison K. Hawkins.

    2. I cannot think of any better way to decribe this. I think that any person could relate to that. Also if Miley Cyrus watched the movie and then read your posts i am pretty sure she would be turning her life around.

    3. K.

  22. Christof said that Truman is real. Everything around him is not real, the people are not real, for goodness sake, the "sky" is a dome of metal. However, Truman is real. So, addressing the problem of whether or not Truman had a real life or not, Truman didn't have a real life. He had a real heart and a real brain, so he lived, but he did not have a real life. God gives us choices every day. Truman did not have any choices. His marriage was framed, his parents were framed, and even his best friend was framed. He did not live a real life because he did not make choices, which I believe to be one of the main benefits and downfalls of a "real" life.

  23. I am answering the second question; “Did Truman really have a ‘real life?’ Do you think it's possible for any movie stars to really have a "real life?" Why? Why not?”

    Truman definitely did not have an opportunity to live a real life. There was never a moment of his where he was not being watched. I think that living a real life includes being able to make decisions for yourself, making mistakes, and learning from them. Truman’s life was laid out ahead of time, not leaving any room for him to choose his own life. There are so many major life decisions that we get to make for ourselves that Truman didn’t.

    I absolutely believe that movie stars are able to have a chance at real life. Not all famous actors give into peer pressure, and by that I mean not all famous and well know people are the same. Sure they are busier than most people, but Truman was so confined that choosing his own spouse wasn’t even an option for him. There are plenty famous people out there living their life as they please.

  24. I do not think that Truman had a real life. Life is about making decisions figuring out what to do and what not to do. Truman never got that chance anything Truman did could be fixed in a "snap" without Truman ever realizing that he did something wrong. I think that sometimes we use the bully and the kid who gets bullied as entertainment not just celebrities. I mean we everyday watch people and conversations just because we like seeing it happen to someone else for a change/

  25. I think that Truman’s life was not real. Everything was controlled and planned. They picked who he would marry, who his parents would be, even when he would die. Truman was treated as entertainment his whole life. Throughout the entire movie, they would show people in bars, at home, and at their jobs obsessing over Truman’s life. I think that the LORD does not agree with this. He said, through Moses, that you shall have no other gods before me. People worshipped and idolatrized the Truman Show. They turned it into their god. It became what they lived for. I think that people are treated as entertainment a lot in today’s time. Actors, singers, etc. are definitely treated as entertainment. No one can take them seriously. They are not viewed or treated as normal people. They are viewed as something to watch and laugh at.

  26. Yes, I think Truman had a real life in a very twisted way. He had a real life in the fact that he believed what was around him was real, but he didn't have a real life in the fact that the things and people around him was controlled by Christof.

    I think that celebrities have a real life, but unlike you and me everything about them is publicized to be seen by everyone.

  27. I agree with A. Johnson, the show chose everything for him. They had picked him out when he was a newborn and had controlled his life until he left. I think that people think that they can do this with others in real life, but they don’t realize how much it can hurt others when they do this to them. They use their life as entertainment when they watch and then make fun of them for their pleasure. I think that people don’t even realize that they are doing this when they are. We have altered our community to not even notice when we are sinning.
